The modern violin has been around for roughly 500 years. It was said to have been designed in the 1500’s by Andrea Amati. Playing the violin burns approximately 170 calories per hour. Violins are typically comprised of spruce or maple wood. Violins come in many different sizes. Typically as the student ages they will graduate up to a full sized violin. Violins are very complex. Over 70 different pieces of wood are put together to form the modern violin. The word violin comes from the Medieval Latin word vitula, meaning stringed instrument. The most expensive violin in the world was made by Giuseppe Guarneri in 1741. This extravagant violin was appraised with a value of $18 million. Violin bows typically contain 150 to 200 hairs. They can be made up of a variety of materials including nylon and horse hair. The Violin is the highest selling instrument in the world. Violins with fun designs are becoming more and more popular. Playing the Violin will make you smarter!